Matt Jennings
3 min read

How to use Fathom Analytics with SvelteKit

Fathom is a simple, light-weight, privacy-first alternative to Google Analytics. I recently set it up with SvelteKit so I’ll share with you how I did it.

Follow along with an existing SvelteKit project of your own, or create a new one if needed.

If you’re reading this post you’re probably already using Fathom, but if you’re not, you can get $10 credit by signing up with my referral link (I promise this post isn’t a shill to get referrals).

Getting started

First let’s add fathom-client, a javascript library for interacting with Fathom:

npm install fathom-client

Setting up Fathom & tracking page views

Next, we’ll update src/routes/__layout.svelte to load Fathom and start tracking page views. If you don’t have one in your project, create it and use the following code for its content. If you do have one, update it to look like this:

  import { onMount } from 'svelte'
  import { browser } from '$app/environment'
  import { page } from '$app/stores'
  import * as Fathom from 'fathom-client'

  onMount(() => {
    Fathom.load('YOUR-SITE-ID', {
      // optional - add your website domain(s) to avoid views during development
      // includedDomains: ['', '']

  // track a page view when the pathname changes
  $: $page.url.pathname, browser && Fathom.trackPageview()

<slot />

Replace YOUR-SITE-ID with your Fathom Site ID and you will start seeing page views tracked.

Tracking goals

In order to track goals, you can import the trackGoal function from fathom-client:

  import { trackGoal } from 'fathom-client'

  function purchase() {
    trackGoal('YOUR-GOAL-ID', 100)

<button on:click={purchase}>
  Buy Awesome Product

It’s safe to import and use fathom-client anywhere in your site, so this makes for some pretty clean usage.

That’s it!

It’s worth looking through the additional options you can pass in to Fathom.load, but otherwise you’re ready to go!